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Customer Stories

Silkwood School – Helping Engaged Students Achieve their Dreams

The LMS at my university wasn’t user-friendly and made life quite difficult for us as students. That really showed me that choosing the right LMS is key for any educational...


Deakin University – Boosting learner engagement with an interactive interview simulation

Rising rates of students studying online, part-time and from abroad are challenging educators to create more equitable learning opportunities. Meaghan Danby, of Deakin University in Australia, has been awarded a 2023 D2L Excellence Award for the online interview simulation she created in D2L Brightspace. The simulation is an equitable access resource that helps learners practice skills and receive high-quality feedback. It presents students with a virtual interviewee and has them navigate the role of interviewer by selecting questions to ask, and formative feedback is delivered in real-time. The simulation has significantly improved self-guided learning: There has been a more than 40% rise in students accessing D2L resources to help with their interviewing skills.

Victoria University – Reimagining the education system

Victoria University (VU) is a dual-sector tertiary institution that provides higher education and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) courses to 40,000 students. The University operates various metropolitan and regional campuses which are scattered throughout the state of Victoria in Australia. As a dual-sector University, VU offers students an easy pathway from vocational education to higher education. With a history dating back 1916, VU is ranked in the top two per cent of universities worldwide by Times Higher Education.

Silkwood School – Helping Engaged Students Achieve their Dreams

Silkwood School equips students for university and career success with D2L. With D2L’s Brightspace platform, students at Silkwood can access their assignments and learning materials anywhere, anytime. Engaging written and video feedback from teachers helps students build their skills and stay motivated—leading to positive learning outcomes.

Wodonga Middle Years College – Enables Success for All with Brightspace

Modern technology means that teaching and learning don’t have to stop when a student leaves the classroom. Wodonga Middle Years College uses D2L’s Brightspace platform to extend and enrich students’ learning opportunities throughout the day—in the classroom, on the sports field, on the school bus and at home.

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu – Bridging the distance between online learners

Adopting D2L’s Brightspace platform has enabled Te Kura, New Zealand’s largest school, to make the transition from correspondence courses to online distance education. Video capabilities enable teachers and students to learn together in new ways, while smart grading tools reduce the administrative burden for the school’s busy faculty.

Energy Safety Canada Drives Continuous Improvement With D2L Brightspace

Learning doesn’t end at graduation, and businesses understand that continuous learning is crucial for success. At Energy Safety Canada (ESC), ongoing learning contributes to something even more important than organizational...