Webinar Series: Transitioning to Fully Online Delivery – Webinar 3: Planning for the Future: Capitalising on this Online Journey
Watch the third webinar from the Transitioning to Fully Online Delivery Webinar Series.
The emergence of COVID-19 has affected many aspects of normal life, making many turn to digital technology for solutions. Large groups of people occupying the same space is no longer a possibility, forcing schools and universities to shut their doors. Online learning has provided a solution for education throughout the pandemic and has changed the way we learn.
This shift in learning has given us an opportunity to reevaluate the methods we use to teach and learn along with letting us adopt new strategies. Here at D2L we are fully committed to making this shift to online learning one of the easiest and simplest decisions for educators during this tumultuous time.
Virtual learning will be relevant long after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows educators to reach a larger amount of people than before, from all around the globe. Online learning offers the opportunity for blended learning, allowing students to choose a more personalized learning experience.
In Webinar Three of the series, we are joined by Sophie McGown, Team leader in Customer Success at D2L. She speaks on how to leverage the interest and investment towards online learning at your institution to maximise the virtual experience for students once they are back on site.
Students and staff have now become accustomed to using VLE platforms and they are now an expected part of the learning experience. This new familiarity with VLEs has led to more experimentation and engagement, allowing them to offer experiences that face to face learning can’t. A high quality virtual learning experience is now expected by Students that pay for their education. Having a premium VLE, is now essential for keeping students happy with the experience they are paying for. Watch the webinar in full to discover how to capitalise on online journeys when learning and how to provide a learning experience that’s ready for the future.
In this webinar series where we aim to breakdown the process of moving your learning online and explore how technology can enable engaging and collaborative learning experiences that were previously delivered face to face.