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Webinar Series: Transitioning to Fully Online Delivery – Webinar 2: Measuring your Online Success

  • Date

    May 7, 2020

    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Duration

    1 Hour

  • Location
    Virtual On-Demand


Watch the second webinar from the Transitioning to Fully Online Delivery Webinar Series.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to adapt the way we live and has presented the opportunity to rethink accepted norms. Schools and higher education can no longer solely rely on tried and tested in-person teaching, with large class sizes and ridged structures. With institutions having to shut their doors, learning has had to take place virtually.

This transition doesn’t mean education has to suffer. Here at D2L we are fully committed to making this shift to online learning one of the easiest and simplest decisions for educators during this tumultuous time. This Webinar series covers how to successfully transition to virtual learning and how it can enhance the learning experience.

In Webinar Two of the series, Lousie Plunkett Solutions Engineer at D2L international explains how learning analytics can drive better decision making and improve student performance and retention.

One of the major advantages of online learning is the data that can be collected about the learning experience. This data can then be used to inform and refine the delivery methods, creating a better learning experience. This data can:

  • Improve student performance by letting students understand their progress.
  • Allow instructors to understand the level of engagement with the course, something which is otherwise difficult in virtual learning.
  • Give administrators a wealth of information to spot trends and adjust programs in real-time.

The webinar covers how to capture this data and the methods of best practice for implementing the findings. Tracking learning opens new possibilities to enhance the entire learning experience and gives learners the environment that best suits them.      

In this webinar series where we aim to breakdown the process of moving your learning online and explore how technology can enable engaging and collaborative learning experiences that were previously delivered face to face.

Watch Webinar 1

Watch Webinar 3

Watch now


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