Press Release
National Adult Literacy Agency chooses Brightspace to deliver customised learning progammes
LONDON, UK – 10th December, 2020 – D2L, a global learning technology leader, today announced that The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) has successfully launched Brightspace as the new learning...
Press ReleaseBrightspace Integration with Microsoft Teams is Now Live
D2L, a global learning technology leader, announced today that its Brightspace learning management system (LMS) will now seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Teams, one of the leading online collaboration platforms, for...
Press ReleaseD2L Recognized As Industry Leader
Today global learning technology leader D2L is honoured to announce that Training Industry (Training Industry Magazine and has named D2L as a Top 20 learning management system (LMS) company...
Press ReleaseLIBF Chooses the Brightspace Platform to Expand its Online Learning Offering for Financial Services Professionals
LONDON – 19 November 2020 – D2L, a global learning technology leader, today announced that The London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) has selected Brightspace as its new learning platform to provide and expand its online learning and development services for financial services professionals. ...
In the NewsEnabling digital transformation in higher education in South Africa
Times Higher Education