Bringing class discussions to life
“I really like that Brightspace has so many tools that I can use to support my teaching and student learning,” says Carly LeBlanc, a teacher with the District School Board of Niagara.
“The Discussion tool offers my students the ability to have full tilt online discussions. The positive impact of these discussions include student accountability, the opportunity for peer feedback, and offering a ‘louder’ voice for students who tend to shy away in class discussions or need extra ‘wait time’ before responding. I love that everything can be done in one environment including the ability to incorporate additional widgets to support the topics and interests of the students.
“Overall, Brightspace is a great place for me to help support and communicate with my students. Can you tell I love D2L?”
From student opposition to fandom
“When I introduced Brightspace to my Grade 10 French Immersion class – I was transitioning from my class website in First Class – and then started using some of its features in class (i.e. the discussion forum), I faced some vociferous opposition from a few of my students,” says Katherine Graham Burra, a teacher with the Limestone District School Board.
“After a few weeks of getting used to this format one of the most vehemently opposed students was sitting in class working exclaimed – completely unsolicited – ‘Wow! This is really useful!’ I looked at her incredulously and she said ‘I know Madame, I’m sorry.’ Now, she is in Grade 12 and has used Brightspace in summer school and thanked me for introducing her to it because it made it so much easier for her to do an online course.”
Better engagement for younger grades
Joanna Nikkel and Meaghan French, both kindergarten teachers at Harriet Tubman Public School (DSBN) in St. Catharines, Ontario, are using Brightspace in their classes to engage with their students, and also to better communicate with parents. Check out this video to hear, in their own words, how Brightspace is making the kindergarten experience even better.
In my Grade 2 classroom, I use Brightspace as a way to intimately connect parents with their child’s education. Michael Snow, DSBN Teacher