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The Future of Work and Learning in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Discover how to maximise the impact of learning and development within your organisation.

Discover how to maximise the impact of learning and development within your organisation.

Discover through our three exclusively developed white papers on the various education and training challenges and opportunities policymakers, educators, academics, companies, and individuals should watch out for in near future.

Fill out the form to gain access to the three said reports developed by D2L:

The Future of Lifelong Learning

This whitepaper delves into the critical questions and solutions lifelong learning brings to the growing need for continual skills development throughout careers to keep up with the vast shift in the skills required. Touch points include:

  • Defining and mapping the current landscape for lifelong learning
  • Recapping the growing body of evidence of its necessity
  • Future system of lifelong learning as a point of departure

The Future of Work and Learning

This researched piece explores the scope of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and how the education system and employers can adapt to face this new challenge, covering topics such as:

  • Gig-economy as an emerging skills market
  • Value and problem of skills gap, and risk of not adapting to change
  • How non-traditional students are fast becoming the new normal

The Future of Skills

This whitepaper addresses understanding the skills of the future and how new models of learning must be embraced to address the challenges exposed with existing systems of learning. Find out more on:

  • Durable skills of the future
  • Restructuring for lifelong learning
  • Employer-based training opportunities

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