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Address the Skills Gap with Micro-Credentialing

  • Date

    Aug 16, 2019

    12:00 am - 1:00 am
  • Duration

    1 Hour

  • Location
    Virtual On-Demand

Using Open Badges to provide micro-credentials is a great way to track upskilling and career pathing for learners within organizations. This session will cover how micro-credentialing supports ongoing professional development and personalized learning pathways as it pertains to accomplishments and skills.

In this webinar:

  • Explore the open badge framework and how it can track progress to act as a workplace currency
  • Analyze why most organizations that try badging don’t succeed in their goals
  • Learn how badges help solve the skills gap and how clients are using them to transform their learning culture.
  • Discover strategies for badging effectively at your organization.

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